The Art of Snacking

A random moment this Sunday morning of the long weekend

An assortment of snacks from last night spread across the table

There is something about the high I get from fulfilling my sense desires

Sense Desire:

An action performed which specifically satiates the hunger of one or more of the 6 senses available to me

Eating a bag of Ketchup chips acts on my sense of touch, taste, sight smell and sound.

So 5 out of 6

Not bad

Now consuming that many chips some times feels good and some times feels bad

Setting out to write this morning my desire wasn’t to make a blanket on what is a good or bad snack for me

My sole purpose is to continuously be aware that at the level of my senses I am constantly consuming

Whether I am ingesting

food, drink, ideas, images

it doesn’t matter

every thing I take in through my senses effects me

regardless of whether that’s a whole pizza, salad,

self help YouTube videos,

or QT pie insta reels

As someone who has lived following his desires more often than he would like to admit one thing that is clear to me

My desire isn’t found by what I think


by what I decide to consume

I know eating a whole pizza will make me feel stiff, bloated and lethargic the day after but some times what I desire is at the beginning of consumption

in other words

the crime is worth the time

in the same way I might spend three hours scrolling through 100’s of paintings on social media

what I think I desire,

to get inspired and motivated to create

In actuality becomes

Me being overwhelmed, driverless, and despondent

Some media acts on me like health food

Some like cigarettes

In the beginning I have the ability to choose

In the end

Like quitting smoking

Some ideas or habits find a way to attach themselves to me and it requires effort to let them go

But the good news is

I have the ability to let them go

Happy Snacking, painting

or if you’re lucky
