The Question of Painting Better

understanding painting and drawing

especially the process on how to reach the end goal

(a finished image we are “happy” with)

is really just

the art of asking



these questions are the basis for visual study


the search for

The foundational Visual elements

of what it is you are looking at


You can begin to see what is in front of you

Painting a realistic winter scene of naked trees


Painting an abstracted complex branch latticework

how might the painting be hindered or aided by:

working from a photo


standing in the cold drawing?

What information is carried in a photo and available to our senses?


What information is available to us (and our senses)in the moment?

which is better suited to assisting our aims in creating a painting?

find the easiest and most direct answer to a question

the more you ask

the easier

the process gets

Start in the most

unlikely places:

WHy am I painting Trees?

WHy not?

WHat is the difference between a tree in summer verses winter?

Is the difference purely physical?

DOes the particular season of the tree aid in my artistic expression?

How does a tree in winter verses Autumn look?

How do those physical characteristics effect me emotionally?

Which characteristic better aids my goal?

What am i trying to say with this painting?

Already with just those few questions the image

which I’m sure you weren’t thinking about before this article

is already becoming more


That is really it!

Becoming more clear in the direction you wish to go

A visual roadmap

Like all road trips it is your decision on where to turn

change direction or even


An artist can choose whether or not to stick with convention

but movement in any direction

is easier if you are standing on a stable


Good Luck

and as always

try and have
